< JoshBlog: Prom, '06

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Prom, '06

Ahh yes. Saturday was the giant teen hormonal orgy, also known as prom. Well, the day started well enough, to spare you the tedious details, I did my "hur" (using my inheret super gay powers, of course), got into my tux, and was picked up by Stef. We got there and made blaitently offensive jokes about mexicans/cowboys/old people and continued our way to dance the night away. Prom was mainly spent by Stef and I dancing like retards and having a hell of a time. Seriously, we were the most awesome people there. While all the ghetto chicks were dancing having public sex, we were doing our "cheesy white people" moves. We're so awesome. Aww, there i saw Carlos :). He looked super studly and hot in his tux. I have a super homo-flamer boy crush on him, unfortunatley I don't think it will go past that :(. He saw me and walked over to us. So we talked, while Stef sucked the helium out of a ballon. Now that I look back on it, I really should've not been so dumb and asked him to dance. I'm still kicking myself for not doing so. Well, anyways, Prom was awesome, Stefanie and I are awesome, not asking Carlos to dance was not awesome, our dance moves were awesome, pissing off ghetto chicks with said dance moves was awesome.

After Prom Me, Stef, Annie, Amy, and erm...Amy's date went bowling which, oddly, played way better music than the dj at Prom. We then went to Denny's yet this was hurried due to the fact that I had to be home by 2, and Stef's eagerness to go have sex (makeout) with her new boyfriend, Sean. So yeah. I got home and fell asleep to some guy selling colon cream on the tv.
The End


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