< JoshBlog: June 2006

Monday, June 19, 2006

Shop at Buffalo Exchange. All the cool kids are doing it.

Button-up Positano shirt: $11
Gray Monarch tee: $20
Black and White checker belt: $10
Cliché commercial parody: my dignity Priceless

So, I came back from Albuquerque a couple of days ago. Yes, yes, I know it sounds like I've become utterly infatuated with this city, but I am not. True, this blog is over due, but I did not have the proper time nor internet resources to do so. Anyhoo, I just wanted to rave about my newly discovered awesome store: The Buffalo Exchange. The basic premise for this store is: people trade-in clothes they don't want, then, people can come to the store and buy stuff used but super cheap. Think of it like the Goodwill but with trendy "hip" kids and the occasional crazy hippie chick. At this fine establishment I got an awesome red, black, and gray button-up Positano shirt (ooo Italian!) and a grayish skull tee from Monarch. Sure, these don't exactly sound like that great of clothes, but I assure the stuff I bought is awesome. Now you may be wondering, "What the hell?! Why is this dude not only buying but wearing used clothes; he doesn't know where, who, or what they've been on/in." For those people I say, "Nay!" Okay, I admit, the shirts did have that certain "eww" smell, but once washed they seemed to smell well enough. Also, I must say, in my Positano shirt, I look hawt--with an a and a w. Well, that is basically it. Does it make me vain and shallow to devote my blog to clothes and shopping? Maybe. All I can say is I look fabulous. Ha! I kid, I kid.
UPDATE I went there again recently. I'm proud to report that I got some more awesome clothes. These include a vintage shirtish thing, a super sexy red Pop Icon shirt, brown/orange stripped shirt, a robot tee, and a fantastically weird yellow shirt.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

June is Gay Pride Month--since when?!

In Albuquerque this weekend, I seemed to notice, "Hey, this place--the swanky area by the college called "Nob Hill"-- is really gay!" Upon reading some flyer on a store I found out that apparently June is Gay Pride Month. How could I not know this?! I mean come on! There should be a special committee to inform gay kids about this kind of stuff, or, at least, a Will and Grace marathon. My dad seemed not (or did not want) to notice all the rainbows and giant words saying, "Pride" inconspicuously painted on a bunch of buildings. Haha, he later discovered all of this while accidentally picking up a magazine about the queeny things to do in Albuquerque; utterly confused as to why men were so close to each other and why there were very masculine looking "women", he later realized what he was looking at, promptly felt embarrassed, and, I'm sure, looked around awkwardly.

I was actually quite surprised hearing that Albuquerque actually has a gay community. Of course, it is kind of disheartening coming back to Las Cruces where there is a gay population of about ten gay guys, thirteen lesbians, and some super flaming queen that I often times see at the mall. I guess I can hope for a bunch of closet cases to come out in the passing months--hah, just kidding.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Pandering with Civil Rights

Seeing what the American Senate has begun debating today, I feel the need to express what I feel in one of the few ways that I can---blogging. Of course, what I am speaking of is the purposed constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman.

What is becoming more evident is the fact that President Bush and this administration have used this as a platform to bring back their lost uber right wing base. This seems to disturb me seeing how the leader of this free nation, a democracy: being of equal rights for all, is using the basis of this nation, the Constitution, for reasons none other than to better himself politically. This is but a shameless attempt to bring back supporters from the "family values" groups.

Another thing is that the Constitution was founded as a document granting rights. What is this "amendment" giving to our country? It is almost a perversion of the American Ideal permitting for something to be added to the constitution denying rights to any American citizens, to productive American people, to citizens that function and live in this democracy. I am aware that if this amendment does pass, (which is most likely will not) there is still a lengthy process as to which must be taken in order to be added to the law; hereby making it slim to impossible that the law will pass. Yet, it is not the threat of an impending amendment that bothers me, it is the mere idea that in a country such as ours this sort of thing may happen. That rights of a group of American people can be denied and frivolously thrown around for political gain.

My last lamentation about this issue are the family value groups who persistently commit to the ideal that this amendment is protecting our youth and the morals of this country. I am gay, does this, in a sense, make me immoral? Is it inherit that because I am attracted the same-sex that our love is not deserving of such rights as straight couples do? Further more, I am tired of these groups throwing around the idea that this is protecting the sanctity of marriage. If this marriage is so "holy" then why do most marriages end in divorce, why is it that countless celebrities can have 55-hour marriages, why is it that, for something regarded as so "pure", it is possible to get married in plentiful trailer-trash, run-and-gun chapels in Las Vegas?

I end this saying that I do not hold resentment for President Bush, Christian moral groups, or even the people who hate me solely because I am who I am; I just want to live the American Dream and be open to the same opportunities as the people I see every day. I am not an immoral person, I am just an American, worried about securing my rights as a law abiding person of this country. Given, there are more things to worry about in this world more important than marriage


Thursday, June 01, 2006

Taking pictures is fun, posting said pictures on Blogger is even more fun.

Disclamer: Excuse the low-quality pictures. I forgot to put it on the "high-quality" setting on my phone.

All these pictures were taken from mine and Stef's adventure at K-Mart. Lot's of fun.

Hehe. K-Mart has a wide selection of gaudy clothes for that fashion foward trailor trash.

Cameo by Stef's arm

Haha we both looke like complete retards standing there in K-Mart taking pictures of ourselves being stupid

It looks like a rabid raccon is eating my head

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